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Journal with Carrie: Day 1

Hi everyone. So I have decided that I am going to take on a little bit of a challenge. One of my favourite actresses and author, Carrie Hope Fletcher is doing a Journal with me challenge. For 30 days, she is going to be doing a live stream on Instagram, pick out a prompt and just write for about 15 minutes. I thought 'why not'. So I am a little behind on the days so far which is okay. So I am going to attempt to post everyday for 30 days. Oh God. So here is day one. I will be putting the prompt in bold so you know what I am blabbering on about.

“Have you been out of your comfort zone recently?”

Yes, I have. Returning to work after the lockdown has been a bit of a challenge. In the past, I have been told to talk less but increase the amount of Taekwondo that I demonstrate. Now that social distancing techniques are in place, I have to readapt my teaching methods so that I can teach. After so long of not being scared to tap someone’s hand so that they know that is the one they need to punch with, it is so difficult to just tell them what hand they need to use or what direction to kick. I have also had the challenge to try and teach someone else how to do my job. Thankfully, they have managed to pick up the teaching structure well and have listened to the advice that I have given so they know what to improve. Still, it is a challenge to pass on my knowledge to someone else when how I was taught is kind of irrelevant at the moment due to COVID restrictions. I also wouldn’t say that I am the best person to learn from as I tend to drift from the proper structure that my workplace created, but, my boss seems to believe that this person can learn a lot from me which I find encouraging. I often think that I never do a good job when I am at work because I don’t plan my lessons like I should which means that I either go fast in my teaching or slowly. When my boss said to me that I would be training this person to do my job, I was a little apprehensive. I was given the task to teach them what I know in time for our new timetable in September, bearing in mind, that it took me years to get to the point where I am today in my teaching career. I thought I wasn’t going to be able to do it, however, they have picked up everything quickly so that the foundation is there and as they get more confident, they can start building on what they already have such as increasing the amount of explanation they give for a move. My boss turned round to me the other day and told me that she was proud of me which made my heart swell up. Being the youngest full instructor at my job, I sometimes feel a little overlooked and forgotten about because they want to push the older ones up so to have my boss approach me and offer such a big compliment was quite rewarding .

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