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Dear Blog #5

Updated: Apr 29, 2020

Good Evening everyone. I hope you had a great Saturday; hopefully had a very productive day. Honestly today has been the day where I have missed doing Taekwondo the most. In the 11 years that I have been there, this has been the longest period where I haven't trained or been there. It feels so weird not being at Taekwondo and seeing the people that I have basically grown up with.

Taekwondo has impacted my life so much and I don't think I would be who I am today if I hadn't joined Taekwondo. When I was 6, I never imagined that I would one day be a 3rd Degree Black Belt and a full instructor; it still blows my mind that I got this far. I have had so many bumps in the road and so many moments where I have been close to quitting that I never thought that I would still be here all these years later. I don't know if you have ever had something that you have invested so much time of your life on but you don't appreciate or comprehend how much it has impacted your life until you don't do it for a few weeks. I have never missed being there this much before. Looking back on my time, I am so glad that I didn't quit when everyone around me was. Yeah, it hasn't been easy and it has been a struggle, however, the reward of being able to inspire the next bunch of students to be like you is so heartwarming and encourages you to carry on.

There is one class that I miss more than anything and that is my 4-5 year old class that I teach on a Sunday morning. The last time I taught that class was before their test to move up a grade and I promised them that I was going to be there for them the week after, to cheer them on and watch their progress. Unfortunately due to staffing issues, I couldn't be there and I haven't seen them since. When you start teaching and you invest so much patience, time and effort into, it is so rewarding to get great results back. It makes you feel like you have accomplished something and have impacted people's lives at a young age that they will hopefully take with them all through life. I enjoy teaching because of this class and I will never forget them.

I don't know how many years of Taekwondo I have left in me and I don't know what will happen when I finish my Journalism course and want to move into the media industry but for now, Taekwondo is still a major part of my life. I have met so many amazing people at Taekwondo and I thank all of them now for making the last 11 years of my life the best. If you have something that you have had to stop for the time being, reflect on how much your life has changed, either for the best or the worst, and think if you would be the same person today. Taekwondo was there for me during the worst times of my life and while I have unfortunately had some really rotten times there, I am so grateful that I had people who were willing to help me and get me back on track.

Hopefully in the coming months, life will start going back to normal and that all of this will be forgotten. In 8 months time, I will be turning 18 and it makes me nervous that I will not be able to celebrate it the way I want to. You only turn 18 once.

Anyway, I hope you have all had a really good day. If you are suffering or just want someone to talk to, please contact me via social media or email in at . I am always able to talk or give advice if people need it.

See you all next time. Stay safe, stay home!

Daniella x

(PS- here is some pictures of me from the last 11 years of Taekwondo)

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